15 Things I'm Looking Forward to This Spring

SPRING IS FINALLY UPON US, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! We are officially two days into my favorite season, and I am welcoming it with open arms!  Though the Carolina weather is still temperamental, warm days have been playing us close lately. All that's left to anticipate is the blooming flowers and the dreaded pollen that seems to cover everything. 

Experiencing nature do its thing reminds me of all the things I admire about Spring-- flowers in bloom, birds chirping in the early morning, brighter colors in the wardrobe, and the longer-lasting sunny horizon. The weather is warm and beautiful, but not overwhelmingly so. Everything just feels so right about the Spring season, and perhaps that's why it's always been my favorite. Spring starts to feel like I'm in bloom, too.

spring flowers

While updating upcoming posts about beauty, fashion, reading, music and upcoming events, I thought it would be cool to once again share a list of the things I'm most looking forward to this season. Read after the jump to check out the 15 things I'm most hype about.

Cinematic Soul | Sparkle

 Listening to the Sparkle soundtrack reminds me of watching the movie at my aunt's house on VHS, while getting my hair pressed on Saturday night. As the hot comb sat on the stove, I relaxed into the Blue Magic grease-down my aunt administered to my soft curls. The movie played and I pretended to fall into the musical cast, antsy and literally scared of the heat.

sparkle soundtrack album aretha franklin

Recommended Reading | Gather Me by Glory Edim

Gather Me by Glory Edim was one of my favorite reads of 2024!

gather me glory edim review

In Gather Me, Glory welcomed me into her world from the very start-- describing a kitchen filled with rich spices and Nigerian delicacies. She gave me a written tour of her home and community, filled with books, books, and more books.  My eyes grew wide at all the discoveries and vivid descriptions. I was in awe of the way her father weaved stories from the objects around their home and grew sad when he left suddenly for Nigeria.

And as I continued to read, I learned that Glory and I had a few things in common. We both owned the same yellow bible story book that materialized from thin air one day. We both found safety and comfort in the library. And most importantly, we both grew a habit of seeking solace in the written word. Like Glory, I was often reading novels as a kid, hoping to find direction and instruction within the paragraphs. 

I found it endearing to read the story of a woman I admired with similar experiences to mine. She too, was trying to find her place in the world around her so often. She was also making room for herself in the books she devoured at the local library. I find it so beautiful that she references the books she was reading during pivotal moments in her life as well. I always say that books find us at just the right time and each instance was a testament to that. The magic of words carry so many of us through the good times as well as the bad and Gather Me was a poignant reminder of that.

Glory champions for those of us who found safe spaces in libraries, novels, short stories and poems. 

Glory, thank you for all the love, honesty and transparency you poured into this book. For all the books you've seen yourself in, I'm grateful you've allowed me to see myself in parts of yours.


Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC of Gather Me.


The Cover Story | The Velvet Rope by Janet Jackson

For as long as I can remember, I have been intrigued by Janet Jackson. Her presence is electrifying. Her aura is captivating. And when she enters a space, everyone has always stopped to take notice. She's always appeared "larger-than-life," even though she seemed so coy and soft-spoken in interviews.

velvet rope janet jackson

I've always been soft-spoken and thought that when I was younger, this would cause me to get overlooked. Janet showed me that I could still be a powerful force, even if I wasn't the loudest in the room.

Though The Velvet Rope released when I was in middle school, I grew a deeper  appreciation for it in high school. Listening to this CD after school and late into the evenings opened up something inside of me. Outside of that cherry-cola rinse it had me rocking, it urged me to lean into my femininity in a pure, yet intentional way. I was becoming more comfortable expressing myself in whatever way I saw fit-  Pixie Cuts. Quick Weaves. Micro Braids. Skirts. Combat Boots. It's almost as if this album gave me permission to be myself in whatever capacity I wanted- I didn't have to hide for fear of being seen by the wrong people. I could safely explore what being a young woman was for MYSELF, no matter whose gaze I fell upon.

The Velvet Rope in and of itself symbolizes expressing the need to feel special while still maintaining emotional boundaries. Seeing this cover, this portrait, reminds me that I can show up as myself-- in whatever form or fashion, and still be counted. Whether I look you in the eye or not, you'll still feel my presence. 

[from "cover story" prompt via blackgirlslovevinyl]

velvet rope janet jackson


Self-Love Saturdays | 20 Ways to Love on Yourself This Weekend

Some Saturdays are more eventful than others. Some Saturdays are filled with loads of fun and social activity to stimulate us on all levels. These Saturdays fuel us, filling our proverbial cups with the warmth, love, comradery, and excitement we need to sustain us. Then there are other Saturdays. The Saturdays in which we'd rather be left to our own devices. The week has drained us and we find ourselves depleted mentally, emotionally, physically, and maybe even spiritually. Maybe that Saturday feels like today for you.

Perhaps this week has been a rough one for you. Disappointment has hit you like a ton of bricks one too many times. Almost feels like the last blow made all the hurt flow in, nearly drowning you emotionally. It is times like these when we have to dial up our self-care so that we are able to love on ourselves a little more.

What is self-care?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, self-care is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. The keyword here is "practice," meaning it's something we must continuously and consistently do for our overall health. That includes mentally, spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally. 

But what is self-love, then? 

Self-love is a positive regard for yourself and a way to treat yourself with the same kindness and empathy you would show someone close to you. In short, it's the positive attitude towards self you must embody in order to practice self-care in the best way.

This is why self-care and self-love go hand in hand.

So how do we apply these things realistically?

While I try to make a habit to practice a bit of self-love each week, I sometimes forget. Life gets in the way. Deadlines take precedence. Items on the social calendar become obligations. And more often than I'd like to admit, and I'm sure others can agree, I forget to add myself to my to-do list. 

So, if you've found yourself at the bottom of your to-do list more times than you'd like lately, this post is for you. It's easy to experience burnout before we realize we haven't been pouring into ourselves. But all is not lost. If you're looking for ways to practice self-care today or this weekend (and beyond), look no further.

Below is a list of 20 practical ways one can show themselves a bit of love and appreciation.

ways to practice self-love

Recommended Reading | Da Baddest by Katrina Taylor

da baddest trina rapper

As a huge fan of Trina, diving head first into Trina's memoir, Da Baddest, was a non-negotiable. I've loved Trina since I heard her rap that feature on Trick Daddy's Nann in 1998, much to my mother's chagrin. In my early teens, I admired Trina's beauty, confidence, assertiveness, and style. And while I usually had to sneak to listen to so much of her music at the time, Trina left an indelible mark on my friends and I (Silver Dollars, Dime Status Dames, y'all remember?). And over the years, my love for the Diamond Princess has only grown in admiration. 

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