At first glance, I see this vibrant colored hardcover book with a cute little brown-skinned baby on the cover that reminded me of my daughter as a toddler--complete with braids and all. I was instantly pulled in by this image, as I knew my children would be as well. A beautiful burst of watercolors washed over my eyes as I rummaged through the box containing the book. Inside, there were also note cards, a miniature easel, and a paint set perfect for tiny fingers. As my youngest son peeked around me, he instantly grabbed for both the book and paints. And with a little negotiating and flipping through the pages of the book, I convinced him to read before diving into painting.

And would you believe after the first read, Jj almost forgot about the paints? The aesthetically-pleasing pages and whimsical story line had reeled my son in just like that.
When God Made You uses adorable, easy-to-follow rhyming phrases to explain just how special the reader is in the eyes of God. One passage in the book that stands out to me reads:
"You, you, God thinks about you.
God was thinking of you long before your debut.”
For me this was a great way to explain Jeremiah 1:5, which begins by stating “before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” Reading this gives a brief and concise explanation to the idea that God has created each and every one of us in our own special way for His purpose. I love how the author uses words that small children can understand to share God’s messages.
When God Made You has become a great addition to my family's library. Matthew Paul Turner and David Catrow together create a beautiful message of God's love within the pages. Not only does Turner express God's love throughout the book, he also shares God's teachings of loving others, practicing kindness, and embracing differences in others in a way that children understand and remember.
While this book is ideal for children ages 3-7, my 11-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter enjoyed reading this book as well. They have both taken turns reading it to my youngest, smiling each time he points to pictures and recites lines.
The lessons taught in When God Made You were not lost on me, either. Reading this book both on my own and with my children reminded me of how blessed I am to have them. Each of them have different personalities and traits that are unique to them as individuals. And while each one of them add something special to our family dynamic, they each color my world in their own way. This book reminds me that through my children, my husband and I will continue to spread the messages to love more, embrace what makes us special, and embrace others for all the things that make them special as well. Thank you Matthew Paul Turner for sharing your book with my family!
To grab up a copy for yourself, your family, your friends, and/or the children in your life, be sure to click the link here.
Have you read When God Made You by Matthew Paul Turner?
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Disclosure: This book was sent to me by the author for review. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. To read more about my disclosure policy, click here.