I will admit, however, that last year was a bust as far as my beauty goals went. I won’t say I completely let myself go, but I did stop paying attention to the things that made me feel my personal best.
There was a time when I consistently added wash days to my planner and calendar, making sure to keep my hair clean, styled, and trimmed on a regular basis. In recent times, I’ve done good to make sure it’s clean--- and cleaning it usually happened after I could smell various products in it for far too long (don't judge me). And don’t get me started on the days I was just too
I remember when I used to practice my smoky eye looks. I would challenge myself each week to try a new beauty look that fit my lifestyle and I had fun with it. Lately, I’ve been feeling like I’m in a rut with that and I’ve done good to keep my face clean + moisturized and dark spots concealed. Mascara was a bonus and lipstick was a welcomed distraction.
The truth of the matter was something more serious than I cared to admit: I was in a serious funk and I was pulling away from all of the things I did for myself that were once fun. I had fallen out of my routine. I was working mostly from home. I wasn’t involved in many activities. And I had allowed myself to shrink into myself and my insecurities. I was unhappy with myself, so I was slow to put forth the effort to keep myself looking and feeling my best. And unfortunately for me and those around me, this definitely showed.

Now, I’m working on getting back to me. I’m getting back into the things that make me happy, such as reading, writing, trying new recipes, visiting new towns (with my camera in tow), making memories with my family + friends, and serving the people that I love. And part of getting back to myself and the things I love is getting back into my beauty routine.
One of my passions is beauty and the many aspects of it. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know that I love to talk about all things beauty, such as skincare, hair care, makeup, nails, and all that is trending in the beauty industry. I’ve held back from documenting all my thoughts on those things in recent months, but I’m coming back! And one of the ways in which I want to get back to them is to set a few beauty resolutions for myself. Maybe you do these, too. But for those of you who don’t, I know you may be asking--- what are beauty resolutions? And why are you making them?
What is a beauty resolution, anyway?
To me, beauty resolutions are ways I resolve to put my best self forward when it comes to personal care. And I’m making them because I’ve fallen out of my routine of doing just that. Setting beauty resolutions is a measurable way I can work on getting back to taking the best care of myself, physically (no worries, I'll get to the other aspects of self-care in a later post).And without further adieu, here are my beauty resolutions:
1. Take better care of my hair. This means quite a few things to me. It entails keeping my hair clean and moisturized. I am trying to get back to being consistent with my hair care regimen, so I'll be assessing and updating that as well. I'll be sure to share wash days and all that good stuff on the blog like I used to, no worries! I'm also looking to be more spontaneous with my hair by trying a new style each quarter. Thanks to Pinterest, I'm always inspired to try something different.
2. Explore more makeup looks. I want to go back to playing in my makeup more often. I used to sit
up on nights that I couldn't sleep and create the most beautiful smoky-eye and purple eyeshadow blends you could have ever witnessed. But now, I just apply a taupe shade to my lids, line my lash-line, and I'm out the door. My goal this year is to make more use of all these palettes and go to work!
3. Treat myself to a pedicure regularly. Once I learned the most efficient ways to do my own manicures and pedicures at home, I completely stopped going to the salon. I mean, why waste my money when I knew how to do my own pedis at the house, right? Wrong. I forgot the thing I looked forward to the most about getting pedicures wasn't the technique, but the extra pampering. I spend a lot of time on my feet and the greatest treat I could award myself with from time to time would be to let someone else professionally care for them. I'll get one each month.
4. Eat pretty. Don't be fooled by the lingo here. When saying "eat pretty" I mean consuming foods regularly that keep me energized, fresh faced, and glowing. I've realized that planning meals for myself and the family ahead of time yield much better chances of eating healthy, balanced meals. Grabbing fast food on the go happened far too often last season because I underestimated our schedules. I'm hoping to boost our meals with healthier breakfast options, more leafy greens, and healthy, filling dinner options that don't break the bank. Pray for me!
5. Get more beauty sleep. My sleeping habits have become terrible as of late. If I'm not up reading, binge-watching or researching things, night-time just doesn't feel right to me. Quite honestly, I come alive at night, and this could be due in part to the quiet that only falls on my house at this time. I've challenged myself to work more outside of the house this year (and schedule wayyyy ahead on major projects) so that I can stop putting off work during the times I need to be resting.
What are your beauty resolutions? Are you looking to stick to your skincare routine? Perhaps you haven’t made one yet and you are looking to create one to fit your individual needs. Maybe you want to start wearing lipstick more often this year. Or you’re embarking on a new hair journey and want to learn to take the best care of your hair at home. Or you might be that lady that hoards beauty products and you resolve to toss the outdated products you don’t use/vow to downsize your stash. Whatever your beauty resolutions may be, I would love to hear about them in the comments. Let’s talk!
What are some of your beauty resolutions?