Reading Decluttering At The Speed of Life was refreshing for me. I was reading along with someone who had a few of the same issues with clutter that I have, and she was tackling it. She had dealt with much heavier issues than myself and came out from under the clutter to help someone else. Now that is an impressive feat! This made me more inclined to listen to her advice. She doesn't shame you for your clutter either, but she does call you out on your stuff.
Dana K. White offers simple solutions for identifying and getting rid of clutter that are very helpful. She doesn't reinvent the wheel to do this, either. She just gets in your head a little bit and gives you "the real" repeatedly until it starts to sink into your head. And one of the main pieces of advice that I got from her is something that I've always known but don't always practice: If it doesn't serve a purpose, get rid of it.
By the time I finished this book, I had plenty of trash bags full of things to throw away and donate. I made peace with that clutter and was ready to let go. Some things are still a work in progress. I'm learning when I get new things to throw out other things, because everything is not going to fit. In this way, her "Container Concept" was really a game-changer for me.
Not to be confused with a book on cleaning and organizing, this book can be a real help to anyone looking to declutter their lives and do not have all day every day to do it, continuously. It helps you focus on removing things at the "speed of life" or at a pace that is comfortable for your lifestyle and others that may be living with you. I highly recommend it to anyone who is open minded about decluttering their home and applying the methods she discusses.
For a copy of your own, be sure to check out the book over on Amazon. And to learn more about Dana K. White and her blog, visit her over here.
Will you be reading Decluttering At The Speed of Life?
Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. For more about my disclosure policy, click here.