Recommended Reading | All The Black Girls Are Activists by EbonyJanice Moore

 All The Black Girls Are Activists by EbonyJanice Moore is a MUST-READ! This book is necessary for black women looking to make change in today's social and political climate. We are not our grandmothers or even our mothers, but we are equipped with their tools and a new wave of feminism. Often, when we discuss creating change we look to the older generations for answers and leadership. This book reminds me that there are women my age out here in the trenches making waves NOW. When we speak of activism, today's journalists, with the likes of EbonyJanice, should be mentioned loudly!

womanist book recommendation

All The Black Girls Are Activists also reminds me that many of us are doing revolutionary acts every day without even realizing it. Dreaming is revolutionary. It's also very necessary for the journey of becoming our highest selves. Getting adequate rest is revolutionary. Being called by our names (and correcting someone when they say our names wrong) is revolutionary. Experiencing pleasure is revolutionary. Using our voices (and even deciding not to when we don't want to) is revolutionary. EbonyJanice and her words affirm me and challenge me in so many ways, that this is one book I know I will revisit again and again.  I've had quite a few discussions with friends about ideas presented in this book and I can't wait to share more with others.

womanist books

Thank you so much to EbonyJanice, Row House Publishing, and Netgalley for the copies of All The Black Girls Are Activists. I absolutely enjoyed this read. 




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